KSP was founded by 20 women partners representing 10 leading law firms
headquartered in Manhattan. KSP seeks to provide a forum to address issues
of common concern relating to the advancement of women in the profession,
as well as a platform to leverage the collective strength of the women
partners in our firms to advance our leadership in professional, civic,
educational and charitable endeavors. By providing opportunities for
our colleagues to connect with each other, we hope to achieve the following
- Leadership
- Advance service and pursue leadership positions
in professional, civic, educational, charitable and other organizations.
- Professional Development
- Promote professional opportunities
and development.
- Mentoring
- Advise group members and colleagues on career development.
- Workplace Improvement
- Improve the diversity of, and
quality of life in, the profession.
- Education
- Host civic and professional leaders and other
speakers of interest.
- Community
Provide opportunities to network with women leaders from other professions.
- Pro Bono Activities and Philanthropy
- Work with, and
provide support to, non-profit and charitable organizations.
KSP’s initial membership was limited to ensure that our meetings would
be a manageable size. The 10 participating firms were selected based
on their common characteristics and New York headquarters. All aspects
of KSP, including membership, are subject to change over time as our
mission and goals evolve.